Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vampyrism - Is it a Spiritual Path?

A few individuals I have come across have the belief that Vampyrism is a spiritual path. I am not one to try to change anyone's beliefs but this topic has my interest piqued.

As Vampyre's we live off of Prana (vital life).

In Hindu philosophy Prana is described in sub categories: Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana and Vyana. Prana/Pranic energy is sent to every cell in the body through the circulatory system. The circulatory system is responsible for moving blood through our body to the appropriate vessels. With out this help from the circulatory system human "life" would not exist.

Vampyrism is a condition, a state of being that usually effects our health depending on the person, in different ways. Some of the complaints I have heard range from headaches, exhaustion, lethargic and insomnia to name a few. This is by no means spiritual at all it has more to about survival and the well-being of the Vampyre.

The definition of Spiritual is: of or pertaining to sacred things or matters; religious; devotional; sacred. Though I view my body as a sacred temple, there is no spiritual connection to Vampyrism.


Rev. Melissa B Reed, M.S. said...

well said!

D, , said...

Many of us do not feel it is Prana. that would also be a metaphysical thing,(i am many do not feel vampirism is so completely that.
we may say feeding psi is different, since there seem to be so many options to the types of energies yet blood its just a issue of flavor and health . (what elements end up in the blood )...

your spiritual path is your choice ... being a vampire isnot
D, ,

Rhea Nekhebet said...

I feel that vampyrism can be a unique aspect of a spiritual path; but not "THE" path itself. This is reasonable on both sides of the community, which seem to divide on ethereal prana (psi) and physical essence (sang). Either way, vampyrism alone, doesn't have a way of teaching you to exist with it. Since we all express our perceptions and feelings of being a living vampyre differently, no one way can be prescribed and distributed as a dogmatic practice. This is where I've see the blurring of spirituality meeting religion in a lot of New Age "practices."

My idea of spirituality: A practice of becoming more in tuned with the world and energy around us. Learning to incorporate skills and diverse schools of thought to enable higher levels of ascension. To nurture the universal tuning tool inside each of us, albeit, Divinations, Thelema, Yoga, Wicca, Qigong, Umbanda, Natural Witchcraft, Tameran, Eclectic Study, Kemeticism, etc.

All of these things help me to focus on this energy being expressed by vampyrism and working with it properly; not by teaching me to become (lightheartedly) a better vampyre - but rather training my Will to be more in control of myself in times when I'm not involved in rituals or meditating or giving a reading. Sometimes, I feel that this is the distinction between individuals that practice magick and vampyres that practice magick. Our gains from the same knowledge have different use in the real world.

So for me, as a person who works will all kinds of energy from nature and people, there is no doubt that vampyrism has been incorporated into my spiritual path. From a practical perspective, it's been added as a survival measure to keep my body and psyche in balance. And since both are natural aspects of me, I can't separate them.

Father JP said...

Actually religion is living your belief and Spiritual involves your soul or Spirit. Vampyres Feed on energy and your soul is one of the most powerful energy sources of all. Therefore Vampyrism is very much Spiritual in my opinion...

I am a very Spiritual person, an ordained Father, and a Theologist as well...

Founding Father JP Vanir of
Vampyrian TempleUVUP

Oculus said...

Vampyrism has nothing to do with spirituality whether you are a theologist or ordained. You say that to say what?
Im happy that you are happy about your accomplishments but they have nothing to do with the question.

Oculus said...

D, how you view feeding and how I view it will always be different.