Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Gadfly

A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance, One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. A fly of various species, of the family Tabanidae, noted for buzzing about animals and sucking their blood.

I detest flies, they are filthy and unclean. I have seen flies land on phglem, feces, carcases and any other digusting thing you can imagine, that has been discarded as TRASH.

These unsanitary little critters are persistant, shoo one away from your face and they come right back, usually aiming for the same spot, i.e. mouth, eyes, etc.

Hmm...its interesting, I see gadfly's not only in the bug form, but those of the human form roaming about the earth :)

- Oculus


Rhea Nekhebet said...

Lmao @ Worthless Beings.

Anonymous said...

haha very true...clever